spring cleaning

spring cleaning for homeowners

April 11, 20232 min read


Homeowners! Spring is here and it's time to think about those home maintenance chores because just like your car... you've got to make sure you do routine maintenance on it to keep it safe and in good shape!

spring cleaning as a homeowner

So here's 5 quick tips to help you keep your home in tip-top shape:

1. Service the Air Conditioner

 Outside you can hose down your unit and ensure all debris is cleared away from it. This is an ideal time to change your HVAC filter depending on routine maintenance instructions. Spring is also a great time to have a professional inspect and test your unit. Ensuring your HVAC system is in working order and ready to take on soaring summer heat will save you money and likely prevent last-minute emergency service requests when it is 100+ degrees outside.

2. Your roof & gutters

Make sure your gutters are clean and clear of debris so water can flow and drain out away from your house & foundation. Check for holes, leaks, disconnections, or any spots where the gutter is pulling away from the house &  Also Assess your roof for winter damage or uneven wear. You can easily have a roofing company do this for you for free too!

3. Refresh your Exterior!

Your deck, siding, brick  and other outdoor elements also suffer from the cold winter weather. Spring is the perfect time to Power wash your concrete & the sides of your home as well as stain, repaint & reseal  your deck, furniture, fence, pergolas, trellises, and any other outdoor wood (i.e. your shed or wood siding). 

4. Doors, Windows and more

Make sure all doors, windows are weather-tight so they don't let moisture in or allow cold air out during summer months & CHECK  those weather strips!

5. Electrical Work

Make sure all electrical outlets are grounded properly so that no sparks appear when appliances are plugged in because during storms—this could cause fires.

These are all things that you can do yourself but if you’re not quite comfortable with something, let me know because I’ve got a rolodex of great people that can help out with these type of things!

And here’s a bonus tip-you know that tiny little switch on your ceiling fan? It’s time to flip it- it changes the direction of your fan and in the summertime, your fans should spin counterclockwise. ;)

Other resources can be found in this video!

spring cleaninghomeownersspring cleaning for homeowners
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